Application: RHApplication
The vast majority of our residents come to us directly from prison/jail. Most are between 25-40. They are typical of the prison/parolee population as a whole:
- 80% have addiction issues;
- 50% are functionally illiterate, or without a high school diploma/GED;
- most lack marketable skills;
- most lack basic social and money management skills;
- many have children (few have wives);
- many have limited or no family support (often dysfunctional families);
- many need dental care.
- almost all depend upon food stamps/general assistance for their contribution toward RH fees.
Because of our desire to assist deserving men regardless of their financial situation, we have allowed residents to accrue a debt for fees, while they sought employment. However, based upon our experience and our fiscal realities, recently we have tightened our acceptance policies and discernment process. In order to better balance our desire to assist men unable to pay our fees initially, we now give preference to those who have strong potential to obtain employment.
Primary Items Considered in Acceptance of Residents:
- Recidivism history, and evident life-change already in progress.
- Capability for full time employment, and employability.
- Substance abuse history, and 12-Step participation.
- Christian spiritual/religious practice.
- Local family or other support system.
Financial Contribution Policies:
- Residents contribute their food stamps and 50% of general assistance.
- All residents must contribute a minimum of $50/month in cash toward fees.
- All residents must be able to pay full fees by the start of their fourth month in residence.
- Upon employment, monthly $600 fees must be paid, as well as payments on debt.
- Accrued debt maximum is $2,500. (Few exceed $1,000.)
- Debt repayment plans are integrated into the residency contract.

4141 Soledad Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 454-2068
Fax: (916) 254-7318
Email: [email protected]