We depend on our friends!

The State does not provide any financial support to RH for the parolees we serve. Our subsidized fee is $600 per month ($10,800 vs. the $47,000 in tax revenue for every inmate). We provide residents with room, board, laundry, transportation, personal hygiene items, and clothing (if needed). Our actual cost per resident is about $900. Initially, most residents are only able to contribute their food stamps and general assistance, which totals about $300.
Because of the financial challenge to “keep the lights on,” we are now forced to terminate residents after three months who are progressing well, but who are unable to pay fees, and before they are stabilized, employed and ready to make the transition. This, in turn, frustrates our very mission.
Become a friend of Restoration House!

4141 Soledad Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 454-2068
Fax: (916) 254-7318
Email: [email protected]